Focus on your mind, body and spirit in our group exercise and wellness programs. Joining one of our classes helps you increase your strength and balance, support cardiovascular health, boost your brain power and improve your overall mental well-being.
All abilities are welcome in all movement classes.
Mindfulness Meditation
Tuesdays at 12:30PM
Instructor: Liz
Practicing mindfulness provides countless benefits to our overall well-being.
*New* Slow Flow Yoga
Wednesdays at 9:30AM
Instructor: Chris
A challenging slow flow full body workout incorporating both mat based and standing poses.
*New* Senior Circuit
Fridays at 9:30AM
Instructor: Andrea Cost:Free for SilverSneakers/$3 Members/$6 NonMembers
Join us for a dynamic strength-building, full body workout utilizing bands, weights, and balls as we cycle through various stations.
Gentle/Chair Yoga
Fridays at 10:30AM
Instructor: Lisa
A well-rounded class that will help with balance, strengthening and relaxation.
Sit, Move, Stretch
Tuesdays at 11:00AM
Instructor: Liz Cost: Free/Members $3/Non-Members
This class offers seated or standing: cardio movement, strengthening, deep breathing and stretching.
Tai Chi
Wednesdays at 11:00AM & Thursdays at 12:30PM
Instructor: Anthony Cost: $5/Members $10/Non-Members
Tai Chi is a gentle form of exercise involving a series of graceful movements performed in a slow, focused manner and accompanied by deep breathing. Excellent for strengthening balance and promoting stress reduction.
Zumba Gold (In Person) Thursdays at 9:30AM
Instructor: Beth Cost: $3/Members $6/Non-Members
Keep your body moving, enjoy lively music, and have fun dancing your cares away.
Sit, Move, Stretch (In Person) Thursdays at 11:00AM
Instructor: Lisa Cost: FREE/Members. $3/Non-Members
Gentle movement, stretching and relaxation.
Soul Line Dancing (In Person) Mondays at 11:00AM
Instructor: Kenny Cost: $3/Members $6/Non Members
Get moving and grooving in a fun, easy to learn dance class. No experience necessary-all are welcome to join!
Ask A Nurse/Blood Pressure Screenings (In Person) See Calendar
Are you trying to keep track of your blood pressure readings? Have questions about a medication or just need a listening ear? Stop by and speak 1:1 with a nurse.
Silver Sneakers Classic
Mondays at 11:00AM &
Wednesday at 12:30PM
Instructor: Kenny Cost: Free for Silver Sneakers $3/Members $6/Non Members
Focus on strengthening muscles and increasing range of motion using light weights, stretch bands and exercise balls.
Fitness Trainer Help
Wednesdays at 11:30AM
Do you need assistance with the fitness center equipment? Stop by to see fitness trainer Kenny & ask questions about the equipment and your fitness routine.
You must be a fitness center member.
Working towards a fitness goal? You can work 1:1 with our Fitness Trainer! Learn how to use the equipment or get help creating a routine to reach your goals.
Cost is $10 per private session or free with Silver Sneakers. Contact the Center for more information!
Meet the Fitness Instructors

Lisa Rappetti,
Sit, Move, Stretch (Thursdays)
& Gentle/ Chair Yoga

Liz Seaden,
Sit, Move, Stretch (Tuesdays)
& Mindfulness Meditation

Beth Ladenheim
Zumba Gold

Anthony Saguto
Tai Chi

Kenny James
Soul Line Dancing, Silver Sneakers Classic & Fitness Trainer Help

Fitness Center
Reach and maintain your health and wellness goals in our Fitness Center! Open to all members of our community, a membership to the Fitness Center is just $10/month or $100/Year.
With a Fitness Center membership you have access to:
Total Gym Weight System
- Over 25 exercises targeting all major muscle groups
- Space efficient to allow for easier accessibility & movement in the room
- Can be used simultaneously by two people
NuStep Recumbent Bike Trainer
Delivers a low-impact total-body workout that can benefit users of virtually any fitness level or functional ability.
Rehabilitation Level Cardio Equipment including
- 2 Treadmills
- Recumbent Bike
- Elliptical
Questions about your Silver Sneakers or Renew Active eligibility? Interested in joining the Fitness Center? Stop by to see Lisa Nevins, Office Manager, who is happy to check your benefit status and/or help you join the Fitness Center.
The Fitness Center is open Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm.