Tech Tuesday (In Center)

Tuesdays from 11am – 1pm stop in to chat Technology. Stop by between programs, after grabbing some lunch, or whenever is convenient for you. Bring specific questions about your device […]

Veteran’s Program (In Center)

Everything you need to know! Delaware County Office of Military and Veteran's Affairs will discuss entitlements, benefits, and answer all your questions. Light refreshments will be provided.

Sit, Move, Stretch (In Center and Virtual)

This class offers seated or standing: cardio movement, strengthening, deep breathing, and stretching. In-Person fees - free for WSC members, $3 for non-members.

Let’s Do Lunch! – Cozy Comforts (In Center)

Let's do lunch together on Tuesday, March 5, 12, and 26! Meals this month will help us say goodbye to winter and hello to spring! You can expect vegan butternut […]

Mindfulness (In Center)

Practicing mindfulness provides countless benefits to our overall well-being. Join instructor Liz for an hour of virtual mindfulness.