Silver Sneakers Classic

Focus on strengthening muscles and increasing range of motion using light weights, stretch bands, and exercise balls.

Refresher Bridge

Brush up on your bridge skills with Lawrie Stetson and Dave Heron. Must have previous bridge experience.

WSC Quilters

WSC quiliting club. All skill levels Welcome. Come by or RSVP by calling the center - (610) 688-6246

Featured Featured

Soul Line Dance Party

Celebrate Black History Month with a soul line dance party. Lunch to follow!

Soul Food Lunch

Celebrate Black History Month with this special lunch. RSVP & pay by 2/18. $8 members, $12 non-members

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a gentle form of exercise involving a series of graceful movements performed in a slow, focused manner and accompanied by deep breathing. Excellent for strengthening balance and […]