Strength & Cardio (Virtual)

Move, stretch, and tone both seated and standing along with instructor Cathi from home. All abilities welcome!


Tai Chi (In-Person & Virtual)

Tai Chi is a gentle form of exercise involving a series of graceful movements performed in a slow, focused manner and accompanied by deep breathing. Excellent for strengthening balance and […]


Pageturners Bookclub (In-Person)

Book club returns this month with our 5th selection - Vanderbilt by Anderson Cooper. Enjoy lively book conversation with a Radnor Memorial Library librarian at 11am. All are welcome! Check […]

Featured Featured

Quizzo vs Delco Senior Centers (In-Person)

Compete in a live trivia game against other senior centers in Delaware County! The game consists of 4-5 rounds of questions that will be answered by teams at each location. […]


Mindfulness (Virtual)

Practicing mindfulness provides countless benefits to our overall well-being. Join instructor Liz for an hour of virtual mindfulness.
